Vanilla - Smooth & Marshmallowy 300g - up to 150 cups

Finally, a vanilla coffee alternative that actually tastes like coffee! 300 grams of instant powder that dissolves in hot or cold water. Enjoy nummy dandelion vanilla herbal coffee any time and reap the benefits of caffeine freedom. This caffeine-free coffee substitute is So much more beneficial than a decaffeinated coffee.
Flavour profile
The reliable one. It’s soft, sweet aroma with a smoky marshmallow-like flavor will never let you down. Vanilla’s assuring presence stays with you through thick and thin. Take on your morning knowing trusty Vanilla is by your side.
Natural ingredients
• Roasted barley extract
• Roasted rye extract
• Roasted dandelion root extract
• Roasted chicory root extract
• Roasted barley malt extract
• Natural flavours
Very low gluten content but not suggested for Celiac